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How an IV hydration drip helps cure a hangover

May 26, 2020
Cheers — Bozeman, MT — IV4 Wellness

You knew you should say No, but then a shot was sitting right in front of you. Again. And it was your best friend’s birthday.


We sure had a great time last night ... I think.


But now it feels like a herd of buffalo are stampeding through your head. You feel nauseous and sweaty. Light is too bright. Sounds are too loud.


Why do you feel so awful? Because too much alcohol dehydrates your body. And normally, it would take a day or two of drinking lots of water to return your cells to normal hydration.


However, an intravenous (IV) hydration drip can rehydrate you in about 30 minutes, while also restoring the essential vitamins and minerals depleted by your big night out.


“Once your hydration levels, crucial minerals and vitamins have been replenished at a cellular level, you’ll experience immediate results, feeling strong and clear-headed instead of suffering from a foggy brain, nausea and a debilitating headache,” says Lesley Von Eschen, medical director at IV4Wellness.


To speed you hangover recovery, our IV4Recovery treatment includes an extra 500ml of fluid and the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • B Complex
  • Zofran (anti-nausea)

And there’s more good news here: The more the merrier! We offer discounted group rates. So if you’re planning a big event, and you know from experience that you and some of your fellow celebrants will go a little overboard, email us at or call 406-581-1003 to book appointments now for the day after! You also can schedule an appointment online.


To find out more about what you can expect at your IV hydration appointment, read One Woman’s Journey. For info on how an IV drip can help your skin look great, check out our post on 6 Surprising Ingredients for Younger-Looking Skin.

08 Jul, 2021
Crossing multiple time zones in an airplane sends your body into a… uhm, tailspin. After you arrive at your destination, you may feel tired and irritable, you may feel lethargic and slightly disoriented. That’s because your body’s rhythms are all messed up. It’s light when it should be dark, or dark when it should be light. You’re craving a burger and a beer, but it’s 5 a.m. where you are now. But then you’re not sure you want to eat anyway because you have a headache.
22 Jun, 2021
Vitamin B-12 is essential for your body’s production of red blood cells and maintaining a healthy nervous system. B-12 also regulates sleep and mood, and it helps with the process of keeping organs such as your heart, brain, and eyes healthy. And it helps your body convert fat and carbohydrates to energy and make new protein.
26 May, 2020
One woman’s journey with IV4Wellness Did I hear you right? An IV vitamin drip can make me healthier and happier? Stick a needle in my arm? Ouch! Why would I do that? And it sounds kind of woo-woo and weird. Those thoughts raced through Laura’s mind last week when her sister, Clare, called and suggested that she make an appointment for intravenous hydration therapy at IV4Wellnesss in Bozeman. Clare insisted that Laura was desperately in need of a wellness boost – mentally and physically. Well, Laura thought, who wouldn’t be? A few months ago, she‘d lost her job and, in spite of an intensive search, had failed to land a new one. Eventually, discouraged and depressed, Laura woke up each morning and thought, Why get dressed? Heck, why even get out of bed? Weight gain happened. And insomnia. And she didn’t feel well. Laura decided she was ready to try something new. Even if it involved a needle. “I’d love to be in a better mood and have more energy,” she told her sister. “Maybe then I’d get serious about eating less, exercising more, and finding a new job.” After the call with her sister, Laura felt a little better. But then her mental skeptic showed up. She already drank plenty of water and took vitamin supplements every day. So how could mainlining the stuff make any difference? How could what sounded like a vitamin water IV really give her more energy and the boost in mood her sister promised? And was it even safe? Step 1: Checking it out Armed with both doubts and hope, Laura grabbed her phone and climbed back into bed to do some research. “Who knew?” she later told us. “I read that only about half of the nutrients and fluids we eat and drink actually get absorbed [so your body can benefit from them]. But with an IV drip, you get to use at least 90%, immediately.” The B vitamin complex included in the IV drip also intrigued her. She discovered plenty of evidence that an infusion of B vitamins directly into the bloodstream can be immediately beneficial. “Fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety and depression — all can be signs of a B vitamin deficiency,” she read in a Psychology Today article online. That led her to some articles written by health writers who’d tried IV vitamin drips themselves. Their positive experiences convinced her.  She also learned that only a qualified medical professional should administer an IV – and that Lesley Von Eschen, PA-C, the medical director at Bozeman’s IV4Wellness, and Lisa Koyama, R.N., are just such professionals. “Sounds safe enough. I’ll try it,” she told Clare. Laura called to schedule her first IV hydration treatment. She was given an appointment time for the very next morning! Step 2: Getting an IV vitamin drip Laura showed up at 10 a.m. for her appointment, spent five minutes swiping through a short questionnaire on an iPad, and another few minutes asking questions about IV vitamin hydration while Nurse Lisa checked her blood pressure and heart rate. Then she settled into a white leather recliner to await what she was sure would be at least a smidgeon of pain. “I was nervous about the needle, but I hardly felt it at all,” Laura told us. Lisa used an IV needle to insert a small, flexible plastic tube (catheter) into a vein inside Laura’s elbow, then quickly removed the needle to allow the 500 ml bag of vitamin-infused fluid to flow through the catheter and drip directly into her vein. The solution included magnesium, zinc and B complex vitamins. “Lisa told me it should improve my mental clarity, mood and energy, and help keep my immune system strong,” Laura told us. When the hydration solution started to flow, Laura said, she got “a faint sort of vitamin-y taste” in her mouth. No problem. She sucked on a couple of peppermint candies from the bowl thoughtfully set next to the comfy chair she was reclined in while receiving her IV. Her entire first office visit took less than an hour. And a few hours later, Laura knew it wouldn’t be her last. Step 3: Looking forward “I felt great afterward,” she said. “I thought I’d probably just go home, crawl back into bed and watch a couple movies. But I felt so energetic that I did several errands first. When I got home, I was feeling happier than I had in months.” That mood shift really surprised Laura. But what really shocked her was the urge to go for a long walk shortly after she got home. That’s something she hadn’t done since that dark day several months ago when she was laid off from a job she enjoyed. “I really felt like this was a new beginning,” she told us the next week. “I really think that better health begins with better moods and more energy. Now I actually feel like getting back out into the world and focusing on finding my next professional adventure.” Want to know more about IV hydration? Click here to sign up for our short, but info-packed monthly newsletter. Or you can schedule an appointment right now.
26 May, 2020
When you’re ill, hydration is essential to a speedy recovery. So, if you’ve been feeling less than great, we can help. Our IV4Recovery hydration drip is specially formulated to get you back up to speed quickly. IV4Recovery includes an entire liter of fluid, infused with magnesium, zinc, B complex vitamins, and the anti-nausea medication Zofran. Signs of dehydration When you are down with a cold or flu, it’s important not to rely on feeling thirsty as a sign that you’re desperately in need of more water in your tissues. That’s because “many people, particularly older adults, don't feel thirsty until they're already dehydrated,” the Mayo Clinic warns. Extreme thirst is just one symptom of dehydration, according to the Mayo Clinic. Others include: Less frequent urination Dark-colored urine Fatigue Dizziness Confusion These are all signs that you need to rehydrate as quickly as possible. And getting an IV4Wellness treatment will do just that with an infusion of fluid and essential nutrients that get into your bloodstream at least twice as fast as drinking water. The Mayo Clinic advises everyone to drink extra fluids when they don’t feel well or are recovering from something like the flu or a cold. Immediate hydration through our IV vitamin treatments can get you on the road to wellness faster. It can also help you avoid some of the nasty complications of dehydration, like brain fog and headaches. Recover From Food Poisoning Faster Food poisoning is the worst. It’s one of those things that you’re afraid will kill you at first, and then you’re afraid it won’t. No, seriously, it feels that bad. The awful nausea and diarrhea are symptoms of your immune system attacking the poison. Both result in tissue dehydration, which can compound your problems by affecting how well your brain functions. So as soon as you feel your bout with food poisoning is over, and your symptoms of nausea and diarrhea have been resolved, you’ll want to thoroughly rehydrate yourself. Want to know more about our IV hydration and vitamin treatments? Send an email with your questions to , or schedule an appointment right now.
11 Mar, 2019
How IV hydration promotes skin health
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